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Bequest of Insurance

Bequest of Insurance

Marla and Wayne purchased a life insurance policy many years ago to create security for their children's future. As the children grew-up, married, found good jobs and accumulated significant assets, the insurance didn't appear to be needed for its original purpose.

Marla: We volunteered regularly with a local charity and wanted to know if there was any benefit to giving our policy away to this good cause.

Wayne: I wasn't ready to part with the insurance quite yet. I wanted to preserve the option of giving it to our family if someone needed extra help down the road. We both wondered if there was a way we could commit now to help our favorite charity's work but make our gift at a later date when it was clear the policy wouldn't be used.

The gift planner at their favorite charity told them about a way in which they could commit to make a bequest of insurance today that would help achieve their personal and charitable goals. The bequest could be made by simply naming the charity as beneficiary of their policy. With the beneficiary designation unchanged during life, the insurance proceeds would go to help the charity's future work. In addition, their estate could benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction based on the value of the proceeds paid.

Marla: The insurance bequest made sense to us. It would achieve our goals and we liked the idea.

Wayne: I also liked the fact that our estate would benefit from tax savings, which would help to preserve other assets intended for our family.

*Please note: The name and image above is representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization.

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